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bioTE Hormone Replacement

bioTE® Medical offers natural bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) utilizing bioTE’s pellet therapy. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is a way to bio-identically replace the hormones men and women lose over the course of their lives. Balancing hormones in this natural way helps patients learn more about this hormone replacement therapy utilizing bioTE's method of pellet therapy.


BHRT pellet insertion is fast and simple. First, we start with an appointment to test your hormone levels. Then, we will schedule an appointment to review your test results and insert your customized pellet therapy dosage into an area on your upper hip. Within seven to ten days after your pellet insertion, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) begins to work, and bioTE Medical patients are back to their active lifestyles.

Initial bioTE Hormone Replacement Consultation

During your Initial bioTE Hormone Replacement consultation, I diagnose and prescribe Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) if an imbalance or need is revealed.


Each Initial bioTE Hormone Replacement consultation appointment includes a history, physical, labs, and discussion of medications or injections best suited for you.


*If boiTE Hormone Replacement is right for you, the $125 consultation cost will go towards the bioTE pellet procedure when the procedure is done.


*Labs may be drawn to check thyroid function and filed on insurance. Cash pay only for labs - $150

bioTE Hormone Replacement Procedure for Men

bioTE® Medical offers wellness in the form of pellet therapy. The path to feeling better begins with exploring the benefits of pellet therapy. 


The primary goal of bioTE® Medical is to help optimize the hormone levels of men. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy pellets are inserted under the skin to assist you with hormone balance.


The goal of hormone optimization therapy is to provide all our patients with a sense of wellbeing. This could mean a return to the balance they once knew or it could also mean providing a balance never felt by the patient before. In addition to feeling great, hormone optimization may be able to help reduce the risk of certain diseases as well as the severity of certain afflictions.

bioTE Hormone Replacement Procedure for Women

bioTE® Medical offers wellness in the form of pellet therapy. The path to feeling better begins with exploring the benefits of pellet therapy.


One of bioTE® Medical’s goals is to optimize hormone levels in women, and we have many methods of doing so - one being bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.


In women, the balancing of hormones may provide an individual with a greatly improved quality of life. In addition to feeling great, studies have shown hormone optimization may be able to help reduces one’s chance of contracting certain diseases as well as the severity of particular conditions.

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